I haven't seen much of this lately, but it was going around all over in January. I made my list and then did my disappearing act. When I came out of hibernation, I went back and found my list. I had to tweak it a little, but here it is now in all its glory. I'm just posting it to have some accountability. Once you say out loud that you are going to do something, there is always someone coming along later asking if you did it. And it would be real nice if I broke my pattern of putting things off until the last minute. I don't want to have to pull an allnighter to do the last 98 things on my list. (I just read where Kelli posted her list--I'm sure she must have been inspired by the magnificence of my progress!!) And She had the rules--so I shamelessly copied them from her blog and pasted them in here.
Here are the rules as stated from
The Mission:Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Some common goal setting tips:1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
2. Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.
101 Goals in 1001 DaysTHE LIST
Compile the “101 in 1001” listBIBLE
2. Read the entire Bible, cover to cover (I'm up to Numbers)
3. Read through Psalms in one month, w/o missing a day (make-ups don't count)
4. Read through Proverbs in one month, w/o missing a day (make-ups don't count)
5. Memorize at least one song off of every DVD of Scripture Memory Songs
6. Listen to 10 sets of Joel Young teaching tapes (0/10)
7. Sign up for the Adult B’Nei Mitzvah program
Take the “Prayers and Blessings” class9. Write a paper on Jamie Cowen’s History class
10. Take Biblical Hebrew 1
11. Take Biblical Hebrew 2
12. Write a paper on Biblical Hebrew studies
13. Memorize Proverbs 31:10-31
14. Take at least 3 more Yeshiva classes at BHS (0/3)
15. Learn to cant
16. Make aliyah to the Torah
17. Finish moving out of the old house
18. Finish unpacking at the new house
Get the old house repaired20.
Get the old house sold Actually, we rented it out, but that's just as good
21. Give CG 10 oil-massage back rubs
22. Rub CG’s shoulders every day
23. Learn to close the cabinet doors after I open them (because it drives him crazy)
24. Plan a surprise evening for CG
25. Another special project for the love of my life
26. Go to the zoo, collectively or individually, with all the grandkids
27. Take each of the grandkids, individually, for the day to do something special
28. Block out a weekend to go see Mark/Lucy
29. Send out Holiday cards with a newsletter
30. Get in touch with my ex-college-roommate who is so good about writing me every Christmas
31. Plan another complete family vacation
Spend the weekend with the children of Daughter#1 so she and her husband can get away (they went to Vegas for 4 days!)
Spend the weekend with the children of Daughter#2 so she and her husband can get away (they went to Houston for a wedding)
34. Something special
35. Develop the daily discipline of drinking 8 glasses of water
36. Eat no sugar for one week every other month. (0/6)
37. Get my hair highlighted (not “healthy” but definitely a stretch!)
38. Get a massage~~twice (0/2)
Use my Central Market gift certificate YUM!
40. Eat 5 servings of fruits/veggies every day for one month (for the purpose of developing the ongoing habit)
41. Take a complete day off—no work, no errands, no responsibilities (0/3)
42. Do a closet purge
43. Get the “rogue’s gallery” hung in our bedroom
44. Clean out the car and keep it clean for a month
45. Learn to make a decent loaf of GF Challah
46. Develop 10 weeks of menus, including grocery lists, for doing recycle menus
47. Do a session of Once-A-Month-Cooking
48. Go through my stack of printed out, never tried recipes. Try one a week to either save or throw away (0/10)
49. Make a GF cheesecake
50. Plant and maintain a container garden: Tomatoes
51. Plant and maintain an herb garden
52. Read 10 classic books that I’ve never read before (0/10)
53. Read 10 biographies that I’ve never read before (1/10)
1. The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C.S. Lewis
54. Sit and watch a movie with CG w/o squirming or multi-tasking (0/10)
55. Get my passport
56. Go to Six Flags with grandkids
57. Go to St. Louis to visit the family
58. Take a 3 or 4 day get-away weekend, just the two of us (likely to the GF Bed & Breakfast in San Antonio)
59. Take a tour of City Park (not necessarily at Christmas)
60. Save $1000 toward our trip to Israel
61. Visit the aquarium at West End
62. Visit a state I haven’t been to (I had 31 when I was 9 and haven’t added one since then)
63. Spend a whole day at the Canton flea market
64. Spend a whole day at the McKinney flea market
65. Hang the hammock out at the land and spend the afternoon in it
66. Finish Katie’s graduation scrapbook
67. Scrapbook the Colorado vacation pictures
68. Scrapbook the Arkansas vacation pictures
69. Do one double-spread page per month in a scrapbook for us (0/20)
70. Start a scrapbook for Kelli
71. Get 10 double-spread pages done in Kelli’s book
72. Get 10 more double-spread pages done for Kelli
73. Sort through old family pictures
74. Get our 8mm movies converted to DVD
75. Make a special project, using the stamping stuff I have
76. Finish quilt top
77. Finish cross-stitch project
78. Make Gillian a plaid nightgown like her mother’s
79. Finish tapestry fabric vest
80. Finish pink/white flannel nightgown
81. Repair the beading on the red top I bought in Missouri
82. Mend the rip in my red tiered skirt
83. Alter my two denim vests myself (instead of sending them out)
84. Make a piece of bead jewelry
85. Get 3 pairs of jeans that really fit (0/3)
86. Finalize the stories for the One-a-Day book
87. Write out 20 of the stories for the One-a Day book
88. Write out 20 more stories
89. Finish the “Grandmother’s Memories” book that Gillian gave me for Christmas several years ago
90. Blog at least once a week (I’ll check this off when I’ve done it 20x)
91. Attend the orientation to qualify to rock babies in the nursery at Parkland Hospital
92. Get set up to go to Parkland once a month to rock babies
93. Mission trip to Hooper to work with Bill/Lisa
94. Mission trip to another place
Get a job in a school districtFINANCES
96. Pay off 4 credit cards and close the accounts (0/4)
97. Get my mother’s watch resized to fit me
98. Donate blood
99. Get a penny whistle and learn to play two songs
FINALE--Sunday, February 21, 2010
100. Do something major to celebrate the completion of my list
Make another list for the next 1001 days