Friday, August 17, 2007


Last Thursday was my last day of doing home daycare. Friday morning, on our 36th wedding anniversary, my sweet hubby and I got up bright and early and jumped on an airplane to South Carolina. We had big fun, shopping and fishing, and flew home Wednesday. I got up bright and early Thursday morning for an orientation day at my actual school and then spent the rest of the day unpacking and cleaning up our room. And then last night, Hubby asked what time I wanted to get this morning and I realized that THIS is the moment that my new life begins. I do NOT have to get up bright and early, because I don't have to go to work today. Anywhere. For any reason.

It's like that moment on the plane ride to and from SC. The plane is roaring down the runway and then there's that bump and you feel the instant you are airborne. You know for sure that you are not on the ground anymore; you are in a different dimension. Liftoff.

I'm going shopping.


Kate said...

You so totally deserve this!

Kate said...

Doh! I meant to also ask how the orientation went? :)

KatieBug said...

Please make sure your seats are in an upright position and your seat belt is securely fastened!

That is so COOL! What did you buy me? :)

k said...

Ha Ha! T-Shirts for your children :-)

Anonymous said...

When are you going to post again? I keep checking and I know that you are busy with school and all but we really want to hear how it went. Miss you.

loni said...

How is school going? I thought about you SO MUCH yesterday when I was drowning in a room for of crying babies. I knew you'd be able to handle things better than I ever could! Oh, the respect (and admiration) I have for you! :)