Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Have you heard the story about the mama who always gave her little girl ice cream after lunch for dessert ? One day she checked the kitchen freezer, and the ice cream had all been eaten. So she was going to have to go down to the big freezer in the basement. But little Janie wanted her ice cream right away, like usual, and started banging her spoon on her high chair tray and screaming, "ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM!" Mama said, "Be patient, Janie" and went downstairs. When she got back, Janie was stiff as a board in her high chair, eyes scrunched shut, cheeks puffed out, face all red, not breathing. Mama rushed to her side, dropping the ice cream carton on the floor, and began frantically trying to revive her daughter as she cried, "Janie, Janie, what's wrong!?" At that, the little girl opened her eyes, took a deep breath and explained, "I'm having patience."

Right now, I'm having me some patience. I have 2--count them--2 more days of doing daycare. (It was supposed to be 3, but it was out of my control that we got booked on a Friday morning flight out of here instead of an evening flight, like I asked for. But that is neither here nor there.) The hard part is not in working 2 more days. I have loved my job and the families that I'm working with are sweet people and I'm blessed that I will continue to have contact with them. The hard part is in not saying, "I ONLY HAVE TWO MORE DAYS!!" I have not done the countdown thing. I have not said I only have 8 more, 7 more, 6 more, 5 more...well you get the picture. I have not told a screaming toddler that I only have to listen to this nonsense for X MORE DAYS. I've stayed in the moment as much as is humanly possible. But people, I have 2 MORE DAYS left til I finish a job that I've been doing for 24 years. I'm almost done.

And Friday is looking really good to me.


Alli said...

It was very much like that for Gary when he quit his last job that he had been at for 8 years. It was his first "real" job out of high school. It was very hard for him tohang on the last couple of weeks and I kept telling him to dig up that patience from his toe nails. And at the same time it was very bittersweet for him, as I know it is for you.

But how exciting to be starting a new phase of your life! Here's to new beginnings!!

Kate said...

I feel you on having patience. My attempts at patience are usually of the Janie variety.

I'm so excited for you! When do you start the new job?