Sunday, July 23, 2006

and Kathy wants...

Picked this up from KEP . Google your own name plus the word "wants" and see what comes up. A little silly, but funny.

1. Kathy wants...a Tablet PC.

2. Kathy drive a race car.

3. Kathy quit smoking for good.

4. Kathy make sure local councils have the right and power to plan reasonably.

5. Kathy get her hands on some black caulk!

6. Kathy look good, but thinks of herself as more of a whole person.

7. Kathy purse the task of learning the steps to post.

8. Kathy lose 12 pounds.

9. Kathy get all the boxes out of storage.

10.Kathy make sure you know that she wouldn't ignore Mr. Right if he ever shows up!

The "rules" (are there any?) don't say you have to take the first ten, so I skipped a few that were too creepy for my taste. Oh, and Mr. Right actually showed up about 35 years ago. I don't ignore him, but occasionally I make the mistake of taking him for granted. :-(

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